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How To Scope Out A New Fishing Hole

There are so many different ways to check a new fishing hole , there are fishermen there. What works best.

First decide where to go. Will you be near your home so that you can often go on a moments notice ?

It is a place that target the holidays? Want to be a short trip to get a bit of a road where nobody can you and find your secret fishing hole ? Regardless of these questions , the answer is "yes" for basic research will pay rather than go out and cast your line .

Limiting the area you plan to go. You can get the USGS quadrangle maps to see how it looks on the ground, especially if you 're hitting the country. Now , we have other options. We used to get these cards on paper, but raise something like Google Maps, you can even use the field function. Focus on the area you are considering. There is a pond or a lake, stream or river , or the bay or the ocean?

When you look at the area, all the " whims " . Where are the streams and rivers that flow into larger bodies of water , even a small river in a larger, are places that provide food for fish. Beware of places that if you head downstream , water is a "right" that would create a bench carved along the outside of the curve, here fish are waiting for food achieve current drift in the mouth. See for islands in rivers downstream sides tend to accumulate a "tail" of debris ( rocks, sticks , stumps, logs ) capacity to collect sand and leaves that eventually decompose in the dirt that extends beyond the island, a similar effect takes place at sea with sand. In this process, the tip of the tail of a fish that gives a place to rest and conserve energy while waiting for their food source to find and attack. Sometimes , there are rivers that were created with " twists , they are formed when rivers change direction and partially or completely isolated sections of the lakes , but can also lead to the formation of other islands.

As you approach , you may even be able to see individuals or groups of boulders on the edge of the shore , which are the places where fish like to hide in waiting for prey . I know some places near the lights that are great places to catch striped bar in the right season . Find other rock formations along the coast, where the fish are hiding. Along the coast there are places where large rivers flow into the sea section Create spits its delta into the sea by the falling debris. Sometimes, if it is not , of course, you will discover artificial breakwaters . This type of training can be a great way to go deeper into the water (note the rising tides and strong currents ! ) When the fish move in and out of these channels to supply certain tides.

Search the bridges over rivers, lakes, etc. They also give you the opportunity to go deeper into the water without a runner. In some places , docks built for fishing just outside . A fairly important not to overlook the poles and pilings that support bridges, wharves, docks , piers , etc. New fish usually hang out on the downstream side of these structures, a great advantage is that they offer protection against the hot sun fish in the summer months .

Look around the swamp to investigate. Wetlands are areas that were dry, but for various reasons , have become flooded , raising the water level to the point where he finally drowned and killed trees that lived there. Some trees will continue marshes along its height , some fell , while others took the trees or rotten or cut . In some marshes be careful if you look at these obstacles can be overwhelmed and may be a danger to your boat. These trees and ancient roots systems create great places to fish both hide and seek with each other.

As wetlands are swamps. These can be fresh and salt water marshes. These are usually filled with food baits for larger fish, are a growing sector of the fry , where you can find eels, different types of worms , crabs and crayfish , and many other larvae and insects lying here . These marshes are rich in fish food , and in turn, for you as a fisherman.

If you have a fish finder , you can find channels that water flows have created. These chains can also be a storage place for fish if the cut is right. They can be found in a large body of water . Even the streams and rivers have a continuous channel where power flows in larger streams .

Another thing to check if seagrass . Sometimes you can find these on the cards if the photos are taken at the right time of the year. You can even see the ponds and slow sections of rivers, where aquatic duckweed plants or other getting caught by the current in the cards in the right time of year , you could almost miss these gaps and confused with because grass fields or light green and how the growth completely covers the ponds. Small fish like to use the roots of aquatic plants such as cover to hide from larger fish. You will discover the areas of water lilies and other plants that like water, such as arrowheads and cat tails zoom if the resolution is sufficient. Of course, you know you will be looking for the greatest looking food there too.

Waterfalls can be places where fish congregate not only during the spawning season of salmon or herring as seen in movies or television. During hot summers , waterfalls offer fish a part of the water that is highly oxygenated when other areas can become very low almost to the point of depletion of oxygen can cause fish kills . You can detect falls in a gray area as maps marbled or wavy against River more color usually dark with a sharp edge directly on the upstream side , dams can appear straight or curved . White Water or fast can be observed in the same way on the cards, but without clear benefit . They have the same effect on fish oxygenate the water , you will find fish , sitting behind large stones or rocks.

After crossing the fishing area in Google maps , see if you can find one (depth) bathymetric water bodies that have examined . Try the fish and state game agencies in the region , some argue maps on their Web sites and list the types of fish found in this particular water . There are books written by different places you can find information about your location , some fly fishing drilling groups along rivers to aim. Ie if you are fishing for trout in the hot summer months , look deeper because these points will be colder and that's what they like trout water sites .

Yes, I know that fish particularly like being captured because each species has different requirements . If there are areas where there is a steep descent , sometimes they appear in person as two different water bodies may be distributed as side waves ( large or small) and the other side can be smooth as a pond . Fish and usually has somewhere , which could be due to temperature.

You can print maps of the areas you want to focus , then circle or highlight the best places to try. Take them with you on your fishing trip. Even the plastic laminate to protect against the weather and I dived into the water. This is particularly useful if you find that particular area to be very productive for fishing.

Another option, which is the easiest way is to invest in a fish finder . The cheaper models will show you where the fish are. The more expensive models or maps loaded on them or downloaded . Another feature is that some people have the ability to record and store sound cards for future use. Some even have global positioning systems (GPS) in their programs , you can save a lot of time , either in a state of fog or after it becomes a very dark moonless night .

Pour on the cards is a great way to spend the winter months . Explore new opportunities that can give you a new perspective on fishing in a particular place, but it can open your eyes to more opportunities to explore the map and find any new issues that have occurred before . It is much better than a bad mood around the fishing season will start .

You are the one to decide which path to take in finding your next new sweet spot of fishing . Whatever way you do, have fun and catch the big

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